Supporting the first generation of students.

Registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit leveling the opportunity field in higher education.

Racial underrepresentation, low academic self-esteem, and difficulty adjusting to college can manifest while enrolled, contributing to a lower rate of college completion than that for students who have at least one parent with a four-year degree.
— (Stephens, Hamedani, & Destin, 2014).


56% of College Students are First Gen

First Gen Students have less Financial Support

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Scholarship Applications Are Now Open!

Drug Free Communities (DFC) Grant Application

We have approximately 4 student scholarships available to first get university students. To apply, please hit the button on the home page labeled “Get ISF Support” and submit your application with any relevant documents. We cannot wait to hear from you!


At ISF, we have the mission of supporting the first generation college student. DFC will empower us to have greater outreach to potential first generation students. We are applying for the DFC grant in order to increase our impact on at-risk youth. We plan on holding information sessions about the first-generation college experience in relation to drug use.

College opportunities can be greatly hindered by drug use in high school. Our project with DFC would be to visit high schools and discuss the amount of opportunity to be gained by pursuing a college degree and explain drugs inhibit their chances of acceptance and graduation. Together, we believe that we can make an intragenerational change in the lives of thousands of students.